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Renaissance Scheme of the Universe:

The Mirror of the Whole of Nature and the Image of Art

by Robertus de Fluctibus (Robert Fludd) 1574-1637

If a picture is worth a thousand words...

1. What is at the center?

2. Who is sitting above the "object" in the center? For a hint, refer to Shakespeare play called Timon of Athens, noting especially one character. His words to Timon provide the clue:

Apemantus: The middle of humanity thou never knewest, but the
extremity of both ends. When thou wast in thy gilt and thy
perfume, they mock'd thee for too much curiosity; in thy rags
thou know'st none, but art despis'd for the contrary.

3. To whom is the figure linked?

4. What organizational hierarchy seems to be present?

5. Is the diagram pre- or post- Copernicus / Galileo.

6. Compare the diagram to the Troilus and Cressida passage on this web page.

Click here for a link to Fludd.